Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Start of Something Maybe Not So Grand... (but fun)

To any wayward internet traveller who has stumbled upon our little blog, please do not be alarmed. We are not self-aggrandizing, arrogant drunks, as one might presume a wine and alcohol blogger to be. Seriously. We're just a couple of winos looking for a way to catalogue our tasting experiences, and, as a happy by-product, provide ourselves with a creative outlet at the same time.

"A man may surely be allowed to take a glass of wine at his own fireside." -Richard Brinsley Sheridan

You said it, Richard. A glass or two of wine and/or Scotch at the end of a long day is our way of unwinding. Some people meditate, some watch TV, some read; we add a splash of something red, white, clear, or tan to the mix. Occasionally, something long-forgotten is remembered along with that glass, at other times, the memorable experience happens over the glass. Sometimes, it's just a drink. We like telling stories though, even if just about what that drink tastes like going down, so here we are.

As a side note, as the title indicates, this is intended to be a couple of winos; however, the Mrs. is currently on hiatus from imbibing, given her most current run with a parasitic organism. We expect the parasite to extricate itself by August, after a luxurious 9-month residence inside my lovely wife. At least, that's how it happened last time. Unfortunately, we have to clothe, feed, and otherwise care for the parasite when he or she is ex vivo, but I digress. She should be back in commission about a year and a half from now. Until then, I'll be drinking for two--I'll survive.

I expect this to be a learning experience for us. Perhaps posterity, or, more likely, I, looking back over the blog, will be able to follow a learning curve evidenced by our posts. Especially with my newly-found enjoyment of Scotch (a logical outcropping from my Bourbon habit picked up at a southern law school), the first posts may be a bit pedantic in their analyses, but if you'll bear with us, things should get better as we figure out what does and does not work.

As the venerable John Cleese of Monty Python once said, "Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret." I'm trying John, I am (and, yes, I do get the joke).

If anyone does happen to read this blog, suggest me something to drink! Better yet, drop me a line and we'll tie one on together. Until then, drink up!

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